Solar Filling Station

Product Category: SPECIAL
Product: Special - concrete skin

Bye Bye CO2
During the EU-Environment Ministers' Meeting in Freiburg the SOLON AG presented the first solar filling station. It consists of 12 solar-modules on 50 m² on a base of glassfibre concrete fibreC. Completely CO2-free solar scooters can be refuelled at this filling station.

Politicians and visitors had the opportunity to experience mobility without CO2 and to test the Electro-Scooters. Despite the fact that emissions are avoided completely, the max. speed exceeds the 100 km/h.

The use of fibreC as base for the solar-modules enforces the demand on sustainability and environment. fibreC is a purely natural material, which meets all requirements regarding long-time-durability and building biology and ecology.

Architect: baronmüller architekten, Gerd Baron und Gregor Müller, Berlin

Product Information:

Concrete skin 13 mm / silvergrey / matt

Photocredit Marcus Bredt


㈜ 엠비케이는 건축외장전문 Consulting 업체로서, 다년간 축적된 건축물 FAÇADE 기술을 토대로 국내외 진행되고 있는 여러 프로젝트에 참여하고 있습니다.

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